
Thursday, August 18, 2011

blah blah blah

Hey guys.

Whatcha been up to? 

Me? Well...not much. At least not much I can show you. UFO week stalled out when I realized that I am still lacking fabric, batting, etc. and have no money with which to procure said supplies. A few projects I am working on (that don't require a trip to Joann's or a visit to Etsy) are hate to admit it but....Christmas. I know I know!! But see, last year I really wanted to be working on a Christmas quilt during December, and I was so burnt out from sewing presents that I never got around to it. This year I'm determined to finish as many gifts as I can throughout the fall so I can spend more time in December making crafts with the kids and hopefully, starting the aforementioned quilt. 

Sneaky peeky of one of the things I made this week? Okay. You twisted my arm.

Sorry for the blurry pic but my camera is being an idiot. Anyway, this week has been busy busy with cleaning and gift-sewing and more cleaning (ugh). My brother is coming to town tomorrow, Saturday we have our church sewing day to make shorts and dresses for orphans, and Sunday me and my peeps from church are working on a little something that I can't discuss here because it's classified. For now. 

Oh yeah, AAAAANNNNND...I'm working on my very first tutorial! Yeah! I'm super excited about it, not because it's anything all that special but I've been meaning to try my hand at this for ages and never seem to get around to it. Hopefully it will be up within the week with all the craziness going on around here. Woot!


  1. haha- I started Christmas gifts in June this year!! It was insane last season & I was up x-mas eve trying to finish knitting. Not this year!

  2. busy girl. I will start christmas gifts soon too. Waiting for money. Can't wait to see what the tutioral is.
