Monday, June 28, 2010

Rainbow Around the Block

So, as if the Swaziland quilting madness wasn't enough, or the scenery painting for VBS, I'm also making random quilt blocks for Anna Maria Horner's "Rainbow Around the Block" project. Yesterday I whipped up five blocks (I made two each of the squares within squares ones) and I found it pretty satisfying. I was just going to send these but I might make a few more before the first deadline, I think.

"Rainbow Around the Block"--String block

"Rainbow Around the Block"--Blue Joseph

"Rainbow Around the Block"--Pink Joseph

In other news, I dug up my whole main garden bed and started solarizing the soil...time to build a new light box and get ready for fall seedlings!


jenn clark said...

I was just looking at her blog the other day and contemplating sewing a few blocks. Love that you did!

the shoppe owner said...

So pretty. I hope that both of your projects succeed!