Saturday, June 11, 2011

cross that one off...

...of my never-ending "to do" list. 

Today I checked a couple things off my list, and boy it feels good. Especially some things that have been on my to do list for like, a year. Like getting a big frame for this print by Justin Nelson I traded portraits for last year:

the day you burst

I also got some stain for Mal's bed so I can get that thing done and put it to use. I bought some chicks on impulse at the feed store. And I finished my Pacman mini quilt, which may or may not be for my recalcitrant 80's swap partner :

pacman mini

Now I'm in the process of "remodeling" my mantle, getting rid of mismatched picture frames and random chotchkies, possibly putting some of the funky bottles I've been accumulating on display or something. I would love to be re-doing my bathroom or kitchen, but since that's not in my least doing SOMETHING will make me feel better. :)

How about you? Any plans for finishing something up this weekend?


Jenny Squawk said...

Nice pacman. Still partial to the mixtape one. I just posted a busy post with pics from some bathroom renovation. Picking a new color for the kitchen and building some booth displays. Total chaos over here.

SewAmy said...

that print would make a cool quilt. This weekend I finished up a embroidery project for a friend who is getting married. I have to work tomorrow, so nothing else will be getting done.

pinkbrain said...

I finished my half of the box kite project my husband and I have been working on (I hate you ripstop fabric, I really do).
I also finished off a jar of Nutella. Does that count?

Rachel at Stitched in Color said...

my to do list is really starting to scare me. really.

Coffeebean's Dailies said...

You sent me running to my dictionary for the word RECALCITRANT. Good word and I feel a little bit guilty that I may NOT be with an attitude but uncooperative (just in case I am your partner!?). To answer your question; I am 100% in on this swap now that school is done with! Yay! Love the pac man little quilt!